This shirt is not for the faint of heart. Gaze in wonder at the savage power! People will look at you in awe as you wear it! Now you're getting somewhere!
In keeping with the spirit of the image, this print was completely hand made. First, the image was sketched on a piece of ordinary copier paper. It was then copied onto a transparency using only pens (and brush pens)! Did I say completely by hand? I meant all by hand except the step where the image was scanned into the computer and printed out on a piece of paper that got cut out (by hand! With scissors!) to make the flat! After this it was completely (and I really mean it it this time) hand printed! Yes!
Yup, two colors, on a light brown (I forget the cute name the color had...something like "ocean breeze soap"...), 100% cotton, Foot Locker t-shirt. Size small (but pretty "medium" by my estimation).
The violence, the hand craftedness, the shirt...only $20!
The shop is on the top right!
A dialog:
A: You'd call that light brown?
B: Yeah. Why? What would you call it?
A: Mustard? Light mustard?
B: Light mustard?
A: Is that not a color?
B: Lets say light brown.
A: Either way, it's a cool color.
B: Agreed!

Look, kids! We've got gray ones now, too!
Same deal, different color!
Gray t-shirts available in medium and large.
90% cotton and 10% something else...